Helloooo!!! New video! XDXD This is gothic doll 2 also, in panoramic screen! Since a few days, on Youtube you can upload videos in 16:9 format, this is welcome! Has cost me a bit rendering video, because the program that I use to edit, would not accept me the 16:9 format of my video camera. Luckily I had nero, which is always a guarantee! Ummm... in this video, I wear a sexy black leather minidress. Oh my god, I love this dress, it's amazing and has an incredible touch, like genuine leather. No, it's not leather... If it were manufactured in genuine leather would be too expensive. Hey! A surprise! In a few days I hope to receive a cool black leather catsuit that I could buy at ebay,
is truly amazing!! Returning to my video, this is my first attempt with my female mask "glued" to my face and with makeup. Ok, ok!! It's a weird makeup, but I hope that little by little I will better... is a matter of practice! Another important feature in my video, are the nails. For the first time in a long time, I have decided to cut "fingers" of my catsuit, because was too old and worn and nails were damaged or had disappeared. To show my real fingers, but there is almost no separation. I bought some plastic nails and stuck on top of mine, the effect is awesome! No photos :( I'm sorry, for this video there is no photo session, but I leave a litle video demonstration of the
mature version. I hope you enjoy it, and buy me the video please!